WALES at Play Overview

Many communities in Wales are currently living under immense strain, due to the covid -19 pandemic and the current cost of living crisis. We believe that everyone, regardless of race, religion, gender or age has the right to sport and play.

We’re inclusive and flexible and can adapt our approach to suit the needs of the communities with whom we work. We have seen how children and young people can miss out on vital opportunities due to fear, prejudice and socio-economic background. This is our answer to that. World at Play brings fun, friendship, hope and confidence through shared enjoyment of sport and developmental play. Read more about our work at home below.



It is important to remember how to connect with others, especially as young people. One hour of fun can instill a sense of hope and belonging. Read more here about how we deliver sessions that inspire.

training and volunteering

We have lots of training sessions and volunteer opportunities and are proud to be trainers with a difference. World at Play wants to give everyone a shot at understanding how to give joy to others through sport and play.


We were privileged to be part of PHD research that looked at what young people at risk of homelessness can gain from engaging in sport and play sessions. Capturing the impact of the work we do has been a very rewarding experience.